Monday, 24 March 2014

The goodies in running exercises....

This post is dedicated to beginner body builders and all the pals out there that have a passion for exercising. In most cases, bodybuilders  ignore cardiac and other endurance exercises which is not a good habit. Running contributes to the strength of some of our body muscles although not fast as than using the equipment and machines that are found in the gym. Running in particular is the most and a  recommended  exercise for the heart muscles to have strength and be able to improve our  cardiac   performances that can help bodybuilders and other athletes to keep up with the endurance. Detailed information about the effects of running can be further explored through runbritain to see how running improve fitness.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Are six pack Abs really hard to get? Tell me what you think through the comment section.

I have noticed that most of the bodybuilders and individuals who like exercising hardly work on their Abs... It keeps disturbing my mind. The fact is that it is not easy to have great Abs if you  are not determined. If your in Malaysia, the chances of having a big belly is very high due to the "Nasi Ayum"(I am not even sure of the spelling), rice and chicken which is mostly eaten by many.  In order to fight the belly, one has to do variety of Abs work out either at home or in the gym. This is best for ladies as well. Take a look at some tips by Vince Del Monte  on how to develop Abs by following this link....